Version: v1.6.0


To aid with debugging your parallel programs, Taichi has the following mechanisms:

  1. print in the Taichi scope checks the value of a variable.
  2. Serialization of your program or a specific parallel for loop.
  3. Activated with ti.init(debug=True), debug mode detects out-of-bound array accesses.
  4. Static or non-static assert verifies an assertion condition at compile time or runtime respectively.
  5. sys.tracebacklimit produces a conciser traceback.

Runtime print in Taichi scope

One of the most naive ways to debug code is to print particular messages to check how your code runs in different states. You can call print() in the Taichi scope to debug your program:

print(*args, sep='', end='\n')

When passed into a runtime print() in the Taichi scope, args can take string literal, scalar, vector, and matrix expressions.

For example:

def inside_taichi_scope():
x = 256
print('hello', x)
#=> hello 256

print('hello', x * 2 + 200)
#=> hello 712

print('hello', x, sep='')
#=> hello256

print('hello', x, sep='', end='')
print('world', x, sep='')
#=> hello256world256

m = ti.Matrix([[2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]])
print('m =', m)
#=> m = [[2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]

v = ti.Vector([3, 4])
print('v =', v)
#=> v = [3, 4]

ray = ti.Struct({
"ori": ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
"dir": ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),
"len": 1.0
# print(ray)
# Print a struct directly in Taichi-scope has not been supported yet
# Instead, use:
print('ray.ori =', ray.ori, ', ray.dir =', ray.dir, ', ray.len =', ray.len)
#=> ray.ori = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ray.dir = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], ray.len = 1.0

Applicable backends

print in the Taichi scope is supported on the CPU, CUDA, and Vulkan backends only.


To enable printing on Vulkan, please

  • make sure the validation layer is installed via vulkan sdk.
  • turn on debug mode via ti.init(debug=True).

Printing is not supported on the macOS Vulkan backend.

Printing comma-separated strings, f-strings, or formatted strings

In Taichi scope, you can print both scalar and matrix values using the print function. There are multiple ways to format your output, including comma-separated strings, f-strings, and formatted strings via the str.format() method.

For instance, suppose you have a scalar field a and want to print its value. Here are some examples:

import taichi as ti

a = ti.field(ti.f32, 4)

def print_scalar():
a[0] = 1.0

# comma-separated string
print('a[0] =', a[0])

# f-string
print(f'a[0] = {a[0]}')
# with format specifier
print(f'a[0] = {a[0]:.1f}')
# without conversion
print(f'a[0] = {a[0]:.1}')
# with self-documenting expressions (Python 3.8+)
print(f'{a[0] = :.1f}')

# formatted string via `str.format()` method
print('a[0] = {}'.format(a[0]))
# with format specifier
print('a[0] = {:.1f}'.format(a[0]))
# without conversion
print('a[0] = {:.1}'.format(a[0]))
# with positional arguments
print('a[3] = {3:.3f}, a[2] = {2:.2f}, a[1] = {1:.1f}, a[0] = {0:.0f}'.format(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]))

If you have a matrix field m, you can print it as well. Here are some examples:

def print_matrix():
m = ti.Matrix([[2e1, 3e2, 4e3], [5e4, 6e5, 7e6]], ti.f32)

# comma-separated string
print('m =', m)

# f-string
print(f'm = {m}')
# with format specifier
print(f'm = {m:.1f}')
# without conversion
print(f'm = {m:.1}')
# with self-documenting expressions
print(f'{m = :g}')

# formatted string via `str.format()` method
print('m = {}'.format(m))
# with format specifier
print('m = {:e}'.format(m))
# without conversion
print('m = {:.1}'.format(m))

Building formatted strings using the % operator is currently not supported in Taichi.

Compile-time ti.static_print

It can be useful to print Python objects and their properties like data types or SNodes in the Taichi scope. Similar to ti.static, which makes the compiler evaluate an argument at compile time (see the Metaprogramming for more information), ti.static_print prints compile-time constants in the Taichi scope:

x = ti.field(ti.f32, (2, 3))
y = 1

def inside_taichi_scope():
# => 1
# => (2, 3)
# => DataType.float32
for i in range(4):
# => DataType.int32
# Only print once

In the Taichi scope, ti.static_print acts similarly to print. But unlike print, ti.static_print outputs the expression only once at compile time, incurring no runtime penalty.

Serial execution

Because threads are processed in random order, Taichi's automated parallelization may result in non-deterministic behaviour. Serializing program execution may be advantageous for debugging purposes, such as achieving reproducible results or identifying data races. You have the option of serialising the complete Taichi program or a single for loop.

Serialize an entire Taichi program

If you choose CPU as the backend, you can set cpu_max_num_threads=1 when initializing Taichi to serialize the program. Then the program runs on a single thread and its behavior becomes deterministic. For example:

ti.init(arch=ti.cpu, cpu_max_num_threads=1)

If your program works well in serial but fails in parallel, check if there are parallelization-related issues, such as data races.

Serialize a specified parallel for loop

By default, Taichi automatically parallelizes the for loops at the outermost scope in a Taichi kernel. But some scenarios require serial execution. In this case, you can prevent automatic parallelization with ti.loop_config(serialize=True). Note that only the outermost for loop that immediately follows this line is serialized. To illustrate:

import taichi as ti

n = 1024
val = ti.field(dtype=ti.i32, shape=n)


def prefix_sum():
ti.loop_config(serialize=True) # Serializes the next for loop
for i in range(1, n):
val[i] += val[i - 1]

for i in range(1, n): # Parallel for loop
val[i] += val[i - 1]

  • ti.loop_config works only for the range-for loop at the outermost scope.

Out-of-bound array access

The array index out of bounds error occurs frequently. However, Taichi disables bounds checking by default and continues without generating a warning. As a result, a program with such an issue may provide incorrect results or possibly cause segmentation faults, making debugging difficult.

Taichi detects array index out of bound errors in debug mode. You can activate this mode by setting debug=True in the ti.init() call:

import taichi as ti
ti.init(arch=ti.cpu, debug=True)
f = ti.field(dtype=ti.i32, shape=(32, 32))
def test() -> ti.i32:
return f[0, 73]


The code snippet above raises a TaichiAssertionError because you are trying to access elements from a field of shape (32, 32) with indices [0, 73].


Automatic bound checks are supported on the CPU and CUDA beckends only.

Your program performance may worsen if you set debug=True.

Runtime assert in Taichi scope

You can use assert statements in the Taichi scope to verify the assertion conditions. If an assertion fails, the program throws a TaichiAssertionError.


assert is currently supported on the CPU, CUDA, and Metal backends.

Ensure that you activate debug mode before using assert statements in the Taichi scope:

import taichi as ti
ti.init(arch=ti.cpu, debug=True)

x = ti.field(ti.f32, 128)

def do_sqrt_all():
for i in x:
assert x[i] >= 0, f"The {i}-th element cannot be negative"
x[i] = ti.sqrt(x[i])


When you are done with debugging, set debug=False. Then, the program ignores all assert statements in the Taichi scope, which can avoid additional runtime overhead.

Compile-time ti.static_assert

Besides ti.static_print, Taichi also provides a static version of assert: ti.static_assert, which may be used to create assertions on data types, dimensionality, and shapes.

ti.static_assert(cond, msg=None)

It works whether or not debug=True is used. A false ti.static_assert statement, like a false assert statement in the Python scope, causes an AssertionError, as shown below:

def copy(dst: ti.template(), src: ti.template()):
ti.static_assert(dst.shape == src.shape, "copy() needs src and dst fields to be same shape")
for I in ti.grouped(src):
dst[I] = src[I]

Conciser tracebacks in Taichi scope

Taichi reports the traceback of an error in the Taichi scope. For example, the code snippet below triggers an AssertionError, with a lengthy traceback message:

import taichi as ti

def func3():
ti.static_assert(1 + 1 == 3)

def func2():

def func1():

def func0():



Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/ast_transformer_utils.py", line 23, in __call__
return method(ctx, node)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/ast_transformer.py", line 342, in build_Call
node.ptr = node.func.ptr(*args, **keywords)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/impl.py", line 471, in static_assert
assert cond

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/ast_transformer_utils.py", line 23, in __call__
return method(ctx, node)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/ast_transformer.py", line 360, in build_Call
node.ptr = node.func.ptr(*args, **keywords)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/kernel_impl.py", line 59, in decorated
return fun.__call__(*args)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/kernel_impl.py", line 178, in __call__
ret = transform_tree(tree, ctx)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/transform.py", line 8, in transform_tree
ASTTransformer()(ctx, tree)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/ast_transformer_utils.py", line 26, in __call__
raise e
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/ast_transformer_utils.py", line 23, in __call__
return method(ctx, node)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/ast_transformer.py", line 488, in build_Module
build_stmt(ctx, stmt)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/ast_transformer_utils.py", line 26, in __call__
raise e
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/ast_transformer_utils.py", line 23, in __call__
return method(ctx, node)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/ast_transformer.py", line 451, in build_FunctionDef
build_stmts(ctx, node.body)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/ast_transformer.py", line 1086, in build_stmts
build_stmt(ctx, stmt)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/ast_transformer_utils.py", line 26, in __call__
raise e
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/ast_transformer_utils.py", line 23, in __call__
return method(ctx, node)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/ast_transformer.py", line 964, in build_Expr
build_stmt(ctx, node.value)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/ast_transformer_utils.py", line 32, in __call__
raise TaichiCompilationError(msg)
taichi.lang.exception.TaichiCompilationError: File "misc/demo_traceback.py", line 10:
ti.static_assert(1 + 1 == 3)


It takes time to read through the message. In addition, many stack frames reveal implementation details, which are irrelevant to debugging.

Taichi allows you to access a conciser and more intuitive version of traceback messages via sys.tracebacklimit:

import taichi as ti
import sys

The traceback contains the following information only:


During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

taichi.lang.exception.TaichiCompilationError: File "misc/demo_traceback.py", line 10:
ti.static_assert(1 + 1 == 3)


However, always unset sys.tracebacklimit and submit the full traceback messages when filing an issue with us.

Debugging tips

The above built-in tools cannot guarantee a smooth debugging experience, though. Here, we conclude some common bugs that one may encounter in a Taichi program.

Static type system

Taichi translates Python code into a statically typed language for high performance. Therefore, code in the Taichi scope may behave differently from native Python code, especially when it comes to variable types.

In the Taichi scope, the type of a variable is determined upon initialization and never changes afterwards.

Although Taichi's static typing system delivers a better performance, it may lead to unexpected results if you fail to specify the correct types. For example, the code below leads to an unexpected result due to a misuse of Taichi's static typing system. The Taichi compiler shows a warning::

def buggy():
ret = 0 # 0 is an integer, so `ret` is typed as int32
for i in range(3):
ret += 0.1 * i # i32 += f32, the result is still stored in int32!
print(ret) # will show 0



[W 06/27/20 21:43:51.853] [type_check.cpp:visit@66] [$19] Atomic add (float32 to int32) may lose precision.

This means that a precision loss occurs when Taichi converts a float32 result to int32. The solution is to initialize ret as a floating-point value:

def not_buggy():
ret = 0.0 # 0 is a floating point number, so `ret` is typed as float32
for i in range(3):
ret += 0.1 * i # f32 += f32. OK!
print(ret) # will show 0.6


Advanced Optimization

By default, Taichi runs a number of advanced IR optimizations to maximize the performance of your Taichi kernels. However, advanced optimizations may occasionally lead to compilation errors, such as:

RuntimeError: [verify.cpp:basic_verify@40] stmt 8 cannot have operand 7.

You can use the ti.init(advanced_optimization=False) setting to turn off advanced optimizations and see if it makes a difference. If this issue persists, feel free to report it on GitHub.